College Road, Kuttakuzhi, Veeyannoor Post, (Near Marthandam), Tamil Nadu - 629 177.
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Economic Cooperation Organization Club (ECO Club)
Students are to conduct the themselves in accordance with the best standard of dress, manners and behavior. They shall wear clean clothes. The day’s work will begin with a prayer. Students are expected to remain standing while the prayer is in progress. When a teacher enters a class the student should rise & remain standing until she takes her seat or desires them to resume their seats. When a class is in progress no student shall enter or leave the class room without permission of the teacher. Students are expected to observe strict discipline during class hours as well as during free time. Students shall handle all college property with care. They are not allowed to disfigure compound walls, desks and benches with writing, posters or engraving of any description whatsoever. Keep the campus neat &clean. Don’t throw waste (food & paper) through windows.
No notice or appeal of any kind shall be circulated among the students or pasted on the notice board or any where with in the college premises. Students are not allowed to organize or conduct meeting in the college or collect money for any purpose without the written permission of the principal.
Students are prohibited from making complaints in a body or addressing the authority collectively, but they may make representation individually to the principal.
Students are not allowed to take part in any political agitation directed against the authority of the government or any movement of agitation of any kind which may be accompanied by or may result in ill feelings between different sections of the community or which excite feelings of disloyalty or disaffection.
True to its tradition the college is an anti-ragging zone. 24 hours toll tree helpline – 1800 1805522 and the KELSA helpline – 9846700100 are accessible in the institution.
Acts of violence are strictly prohibited. Not only those who are involved but also those who give leadership under such circumstances shall be liable to very severe punishment including dismissal from the college.
Mobile phones are banned in the campus. Disciplinary action will be taken against any student found carrying or using the same.
Who ever is guilty of fraud or malpractice in examination will be strictly dealt with.
Irregular attendance , insubordination to teachers or habitual use of obscenity in word or act or any other act of misconduct will be sufficient reason for the suspension or expulsion of a student from the college. Minor offences are punishable by fines, loss of attendance etc.
Students should take note of the departmental and other notifications put on the notice boards every day before they leave the college failure to see the notice board will not be an excuse for any omission or commission.