College Road, Kuttakuzhi, Veeyannoor Post, (Near Marthandam), Tamil Nadu - 629 177.
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Placement Cell
Marthandam college of Engineering and Technology has an independent placement office catering to the needs of organizations in conducting campus interviews.
The placement office, functions in a separate air conditioned block with all audio visual facilities for PPT, Group Discussion and Interviews and has rapidly progressed over the years enhancing the placement potential effectively. It plays a very important and key role in counseling and guiding the students of college for their successful career placement. The department provides facilities for pre-placement talks, group discussion, written tests and interviews. There is a set of dedicated faculty members and trainers working exclusively for training the students.
Our students continue to surpass the expectations of the recruiters and bring to the table diverse skill sets that make them assets to any organization, they choose to join. The students are not only professionally competent but also have soft skills, like laudable leadership, good team work, creativity, negotiation and communication. Their hard and soft skills are supported by deep commitment and dynamism. The training modules for our students are designed by experts in parallel with academic curricula, satisfying the industry requirements. Placement training is being provided to the students from the first year itself, thereby making them industry ready so that they may be get placed at the earliest.
Dr.B.Edna Edith
Placement Officer
Marthandam College of Engineering and Technology
College Road, Kuttakuzhi,
Veeyannoor post, Kanyakumari District,
Tamil Nadu - 629177.
email :